Sunday, February 8, 2009

Drinking My Feelings Again

Last night I went out with old friends. After being away from the Manila party scene for more than 2 years, I was ready to get sloshed. And get sloshed I did.

People drink for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, people drink to drown their sadness, to wallow in self pity, to wade in depression. The rest drink to get high on good times and good company. Lat night I drank for all these reasons and more.

I missed these friends that I have not seen in a long time. So we celebrated our reunion. I was already giddy with excitement from seeing familiar faces before we even started ordering drinks. I was on my way to being high. I met new friends who were funny, entertaining, nice, and naughty -- the perfect atmosphere for an all-nighter.

Even in the midst of all this merriment a part of me was 6,500 miles away. I was missing BBTB, a.k.a., Honey Bear. So while I was drinking happy feelings I was also trying to get woozy enough to forget that deep inside I was wishing that it was him I was dancing with. That we could be one of those couples at the bar, talking and drinking and laughing together.

Whichever feeling won out in the end, I do not remember. What I remember is that we started with cheesecake at 11pm and ended with a breakfast of tapsilog at 6am the following morning. I remember that I drank a lot, laughed a lot and danced a little. I remember lining up outside a superclub, getting my name crossed off the guest list, but not getting in. I remember helping jump start a friend's car. I remember great memories with great friends.

@ Fiama with the Demigod, and new friends

0 side-notes: